Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Scar/Swelling Progression Pictures

I know a lot of people probably don't want to see this but I also know that before the surgery these type of pictures were what I actually looked for the most. Hopefully the title will deter those who don't care for this.

You can really see the swelling drop, especially in the first few days. My size still fluctuated on a daily basis for the first 2 months but I think it was mainly only noticeable to me based on the fit of my pants.

Day 3

1 week
2 Weeks
3 Weeks
3 months
(I just came from yoga so you'll have to ignore the lines my pants made. We also don't have a large mirror in our apartment so I couldn't take this one at the same angle as the others)
Not too bad, although I'd be real happy if it eventually becomes the same color as the scar you can barely see just to the right.


  1. Color will fade!! If it weren't for my tattoo around my scars, I am convinced they would be completely invisible to anyone that doesn't know they are there!
    When I went for my 2 year check up, the NP had a hard time even finding the scars! :) Looks like you are healing nicely!

  2. Hi Colleen.

    Thanks for sharing. Because you and the other 2 girls shared your experiences, I feel more confident about it all.

    I don't have any relatives to support me, but I'll do it anyways. I don't care.

    I've all ready announced my intentions on Facebook. I'll be sure to post my experiences on Blogspot, also, but I want to wait until I've been accepted to go through the process.

    Take care.

  3. Hi and congrats on your successful transplant. May I please have permission to use your 3-month scar in a presentation I'm doing about living donation? Thank you!

  4. Thank you for your post. I am donating to a friend in a few months. I already have scars from previous surgeries that I have come to terms with. I was worried about a bunch of new scars. You have sent my mind more at ease. Thank you again


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  6. I just came across your blog. It has been many years since your surgery so I hope you still see this. Reading about your experience has been so helpful!! I am scheduled to donate my kidney to my cousin in 10 days and am doing some extra research to find more personal stories from donors. Thanks so much for sharing. I hope the outcome all these years later has still been positive!!
