Friday, January 18, 2013

2 Weeks Left

In two weeks time my sister and I will be in recovery! I can't believe it so close.

Next week begins the final preparations at work; moving all of my current clients to others, packing up my desk, and final meetings. The surgery happened to fall during a complete restructure of our sales team. So when I return I will have a new manager, a new desk, new team mates, and I'll have to make up my yearly review that I missed while out. Good timing :) It will be interesting going into work not knowing where my stuff has been moved to. Oh well. I can really use the break from cubicle life, transplant seems just as good an excuse as any other.

I'm also starting to plan together foods for recovery. I am NOT a fan of hospital food and feel if I want to recover the best I can I should give my self the best chance. I just want to make sure that I have things prepared that won't add any complications. I don't believe I will be on much of any medications besides pain killers so it probably won't matter all that much, but I'd rather not taking any chances. From what my sister told me months ago the progression seems to go from clear liquids, to soft foods, to semi soft, and then normal foods. I know my sister will be much more restricted so I don't know if she will be able to have what I make, or that she would even want to, but I know I will make some apple sauce for us :)

Once while she was in the hospital I put a sign on the door requiring one apple sauce per admission. She liked to take her medication with it and a good bit of the doctors actually obliged. She had a nice stack next to her bed and it was entertaining for us. Apple sauce definitely needs to be on the menu :)


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